1. Introduction

1.1 Research context

The real estate market in China has been under rapid expansion and development in the past decade. In general, the residential real estate industry has grown along with the rapid economic growth of China. In 2019, the real estate industry is believed to grow at a rate of 7.8% per annum over the past five years. That means the total market volume reaches over $1.5 trillion (IBIS World, 2019).

However, in most recent years, a real estate market that is overheated has led to the significant concern of over speculation and inflated housing prices. As a consequence, multiple policies and limitations on the property purchasers and bank loans for mortgage purposes have been carried out and implemented by the Chinese government. Other policies that could have a significant impact on the purchase of the real estate market in China include a potential housing tax reform and existing price restrictions over buyers in order to regulate the growth of the real estate property market and curb speculation.

Therefore, it is expected that the growth rate of the real estate property market in China would be steadier than before. According to the statistics of IBIS World (2019), total industry revenue is expected to increase at a rate of 4.2% each year to reach a total market volume of about $1.8 trillion in 2024.

Many factors can impact the decision-making and purchase intention of Chinese buyers toward a house. The traditional Chinese culture promotes young people to own and purchase their own property, which is a strong and sustained pressure on young people to work hard to purchase a home in the real estate market. This inevitably results in a strong social pressure that makes people having to rent a property almost pitiable. As a consequence, speculation and sustained strong demand over real estate properties in the Chinese housing market started and lasted for a long period of time. Currently, young people in China are increasingly facing inflated prices for housing property. Therefore, this is probably a game-changer for the factors that could impact the decision-making for buyers in China’s real estate market.

1.2 Rationale

Currently, there is only a limited number of studies on the relationship between purchase intention of houses and factors that impact such a decision-making process. Despite the huge development and expansion of the real estate property market in China, there has not been sufficient study based on the empirical evidence regarding factors that impact the purchase intention of Chinese buyers. This study, therefore, offers significant empirical evidence and up-to-date insights regarding the determining factors for Chinese buyers when they are considering buying a new house.

However, due to the changing landscape of the real estate property market in China and the potential change of young people’s purchase intention towards housing product, it is valuable and imperative for the researcher to identify emerging, and probably different compared with the past, factors that could reflect the most recent condition in terms of the factors that impact purchase intention towards housing products among China’s young people.

For example, many Chinese young people have to buy property despite the hugely inflated real estate property price in order to get married, which is a required prerequisite for marriage under traditional Chinese culture and customs. This study is, therefore, of significant practical value, considering the fact that young people are currently the main force of the demand in the Chinese real estate property market.

Traditionally, a wide range of factors is believed to be able to impact the purchase decision and purchase intention of Chinese towards housing property. These factors include living space, interior design, decoration, and other house features financial factors, distance and external environment, etc. Ascertaining and verifying the many factors that could impact the purchase intention of housing products in China now is also an urgent task, considering potentially rapidly changing purchase intention demonstrated by the young people, which is increasingly the major purchasing force and buying power In the market.

1.3 Research aim and objectives

The aim of this research project is to identify and examine the factors that can impact the purchase intention of Chinese customers towards real estate properties in mainland China.

Based on this research aim, various research objectives are proposed.

  1. To explore and identify factors that most significantly affect the purchase intention of Chinese young people (i.e. those below 35 years old) in China’s real estate industry.
  2. To investigate the mechanism as to how these factors affect the purchase intention of Chinese consumers in the real estate market.
  3. To propose recommendations for real estate developers to understand more of the decision-making procedures and determining factors affecting Chinese consumer’s house purchase and offer recommendations for marketers of real estate properties to appeal better to Chinese customers.

1.4 Research question

What are the most important factors that affect the purchase intention of Chinese consumers in the real estate market?

1.5 Dissertation structure

The research project will be written in various separate chapters and sections. The first chapter of the instruction, which the research context, research rationale, research, aim and objectives, and research questions. After that, the literature review will build a theoretical framework by critically evaluating a wide range of secondary sources from existing published journal articles.

The methodology chapter illustrates the research design, data collection, and data analysis for this research project. After that, the findings and discussion chapter illustrates the results of data analysis from primary sources and reflects the findings of this research project based on the existing literature and academic debates on the topic. The conclusion chapter generalizes the entire research project and offers practical recommendations for marketers in the real estate market of China to more effectively appeal to Chinese young people who are increasingly the man buying power in the market.

2. Methodology

2.1 Research design

The research design could be presented using the Research Onion model in the figure below. The research philosophy for this study is positivism. The positivist approach aimed at using credible data and statistics that are derived from primary sources. This alienates the researcher and his participation from the potential impact on the results and findings of this research project.

The researcher assumes an external and independent stance towards the research project and research participants that are primary sources of data. This is necessary to ensure that research findings can be as objective as possible without subjective opinion and biased and prejudiced interpretations from the researcher’s side. This is an obvious advantage of positivist research philosophy compared with interpretivism philosophy.

Figure the research onion model Source:

The part of the nature of the research project allows the researcher to choose a deductive research approach that is based on existing theories and aims at verifying certain theories. Differences and consistency compared with the existing research literature and theories on the topic would be highlighted in the research discussion chapter. To stay consistent with the requirements of a deductive research approach, a quantitative research method is adopted in this research project. That helps the researcher to collect and analyze a huge amount of data and use statistical techniques to analyze the data In order to discover the patterns in the data sample.

2.2 Data collection

The methodology uses quantitative research based on a survey of the questionnaire. The questionnaire is used because of its one of the most commonly adopted techniques for data collection. It enables the researcher to collect a large amount of data from a relatively larger sample to ensure the objectivity of the research findings. In addition, a questionnaire survey is an exceptional technique for data analysis that helps ensure a high level of structural consistency for the data sample.

This allows the researchers to apply statistical techniques to the quantitative analysis of the data. The researcher, therefore, is able to highlight and identify the many patterns shared in the sample data and verify the many research hypotheses using the multiple statistical techniques for quantitative data analysis.

Quantitative methods usually require the use of a data collection process that involves data in the form of numbers. The questionnaire is designed by the researcher and handed out to the researcher’s friends to be resent to other people via social media platforms in China, e.g. Wechat. After a certain period of time, the researcher will be able to collect a sufficient number of questionnaires with valid answers.

Convenience sampling will be adopted for the sampling method. In particular, the research will go to the most convenient places and platforms that help have access to a large number of potential research participants in order to save cost and time for data collection. However, it should be noted that a significant limitation of convenience sampling is the potential of a biased sample.

The reason is that convenience sampling does not guarantee a sufficient level of representation of the population in the data sample. Therefore, the chance for a group of research participants to be overly represented in the data sample is relatively high, while other groups of research participants with different characteristics might not be sufficiently and equally represented because the sample is not chosen systematically with the goal of ensuring equal representation of different groups of individuals and research participants in mind. This is a major limitation of the use of convenience sampling, apart from the advantage of saving time and cost for the research project.

In general, the research focuses on the factors that affect the sales of China’s real estate industry, geography focuses on China, and the sample research focuses on Chinese citizens. This unit focuses on real estate companies in China. The research method is quantitative, and the selected analysis method is descriptive statistical analysis and cross-analysis.

2.3 Data analysis

This study adopts a quantitative research method to conduct quantitative statistics and analysis to collect data. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey, and more than 200 valid questionnaires are required to be collected as a minimum requirement (to ensure objectivity and reduce sample bias due to small sample) by convenience sampling survey. In this survey, researchers used Questionnaire Star (a popular site for questionnaire issuing in china for academic study’s data collection) to collect questionnaires and IBM-SPSS 22.0 for statistical analysis of sample data.

Statistical techniques for quantitative data analysis will utilize statistical data analysis software to analyze the patterns of different variables in the data sample. The research project Use a wide range of statistical techniques, including descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis to identify the relationship between the independent variables (i.e. The many factors that impact purchase decision in the real estate market by the young people of China) and the dependent variable (i.e. Purchase intention. The use of charts and tables will be able to clearly demonstrate the research results from the statistical data analysis.

In addition, the investigation will strictly protect the privacy of investigators and do not disclose survey data. This is necessary for protecting the right to privacy of all the research participants in order not to violate the rights of privacy of the research participants in the project. It is also indispensable for the research to adhere to the standards of ethical concerns over social science study.

Another significant ethical concern is to make sure that all research participants are invited to participate in the research project. This research participants should all agree to participate in the study and are promised to be able to withdraw from the study anytime they would like to. This reduces the potential of coercion of the participants into participation in the study, Which should be avoided in all social science research projects.

3. Findings and discussions

The discovery and discussion chapter use a variety of techniques for data analysis. For example, the study used probabilistic analysis to analyze the demographic characteristics of data samples. In addition, simple descriptive correlation analysis and regression analysis are used to examine the relationships between different variables identified and proposed in previous sections of this paper.

The discussion will focus on the implications and implications of discovery and data analysis results. Management recommendations will also be made based on the findings to highlight the practical value of the research project. Demographic characteristics are designed to examine statistical patterns in data samples. This helps to examine the representative values of the samples used for data analysis purposes. Dependency analysis will also be undertaken, focusing on the reliability of the different scales used in the questionnaire.

The chart below shows the demographic characteristics by sex. In particular, figure 1 shows 52.9% of the female respondents. As a result, the gender distribution of study participants was even between the two sexes. This means that the data sample is a good reflection of the gender of the respondents, thus greatly reducing gender-based bias.

In addition, the age distribution of all study participants was ideal because of the wide range of ages, especially the 38.3 percent of study participants between the ages of 25 and 34. In addition, 23.3% of the participants in our study were between the ages of 35 and 44. This means that the data sample covers a wide range of age groups for all respondents. Tesco can therefore be represented by individuals and customers of all ages.

The subjects of the study had a wide range of educational backgrounds, among which 43.2% had a bachelor’s degree or above, and 26.4% had a college degree or below. Similarly, about 3.4 percent had a master’s degree or higher, indicating that the study participants came from a wide range of educational backgrounds, indicating that individuals with different demographic characteristics were well represented.

Finally, the monthly disposable income also shows a fairly wide distribution. The results show that the data samples represent different income levels. This means that data samples can be used for further analysis.

In China, the real estate market has been developing rapidly for more than 20 years, and the enterprises in the real estate industry have developed from the seller’s market at the beginning to the competitive buyer’s market all over the country. More and more real estate enterprises across the country have begun to contact customers in-depth and carry out close exchanges and communication with enterprise product consumers.

From the perspective of enterprises in all walks of life, if the customers of the enterprise can recognize the products or services provided by the enterprise and are willing to carry out some spontaneous behaviors beneficial to the development of the enterprise, such as recommending the products or services provided by the enterprise to the potential customers of the enterprise, solving problems with the enterprise, etc., these customers will be the objects that the enterprise is very willing to communicate in-depth for a long time

At this point and the current situation of the development of real estate enterprises in China, this paper studies the customers’ participation in the purchase intention of customers in real estate enterprises in China and provides some suggestions for the real estate enterprises in China in marketing. Living space has also been found to be significantly related to home purchase decisions and pricing (Xiao Hejin, 2009).

Therefore, living space should include the size and number of bathrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and living rooms. Health characteristics include indoor and outdoor design, building quality, house design, decoration, and other measures that affect the decision to buy a house. These factors have been found to be very important, as customers take them into account when buying a home (Zhao et al., 2014).

There are many factors in the fund’s financial situation, including mortgages, house prices, household income, and repayment terms. Therefore, this definition is related to a number of factors, including the availability of mortgages, house prices, speculative opportunities for house price appreciation, appraisal of property values, and purchase waiting periods (Xu and Chen, 2013).

Property location is one of the most important and critical factors influencing home purchase decisions. Customers are often interested in assessing the distance of a hotel from the city’s central business district. The study also used and included several exogenous variables, including superstition mirage, superstition quantity, real estate developer financing, and brand (koklic, 2009). The study concluded that, according to the data sample of 235 in-service adult respondents, the characteristics of the house, the environment, and the number of superstitions have a significant positive impact on the purchase intention of the house.

Purchase intention is defined as the expectation that a customer plans to purchase a specific service or product in the future. It should be noted that purchase decision-making and purchase intention are two different steps of consumer behavior theory.  In fact, there is a significant link between these factors (i.e. purchase decision and purchase intention), especially in terms of purchase. The intention is measured by motivational factors that may lead to a particular behavior.

The level of intention indicates the degree to which a person may perform such actions and actions. According to this definition, the intention of buying a house refers to how many houses a customer is willing to buy in the near future (Manganelli, 2014). Living space refers to private living space, including indicators of kitchen size, room size, number of bedrooms, and number of bathrooms. Previous studies have shown that living space characteristics are one of the most important factors influencing housing purchase decisions.

Domestic and foreign scholars have been studying the relationship between customer participation and customer purchase intention, but there is no unified conclusion on whether there is a direct relationship between the two. In this paper, firstly, the relevant literature and research results of customer participation, customer perceived value, and customer purchase intention at home and abroad are sorted out and summarized, and on the basis of these research results, a research model is established to study the relationship between the three, based on which relevant research hypotheses are put forward.

Using the methods of questionnaire and field survey, this paper investigates the consumption behavior of customers who buy different real estate enterprises and then analyzes the data through SPSS software to verify the research hypothesis and model of customer participation, customer perceived value, and customer purchase intention.

The results of empirical research show that customer participation has a positive impact on customer perceived value, among which pre-preparation, information exchange, interpersonal interaction, and cooperation have a positive impact on customer perceived value, and customer perceived value plays an intermediary role between customer participation and customer purchase intention.

Finally, based on the results of empirical research and the summary of previous relevant research results, this paper puts forward corresponding marketing suggestions for the actual situation of China’s real estate industry, so that the real estate enterprises in China can be used for reference in marketing. The distance from the workplace and the commercial retail store is also crucial. Especially among Chinese consumers, especially those with children, buyers are most likely to be interested in the distance from the house to nearby schools (Wen et al., 2014; Du et al., 2014).

In particular, families with school-age children are most likely to consider a better distance school as an important factor in their decision to purchase a house. Chinese parents have a tradition and reputation, and they attach great importance to the quality of their child’s school. Sometimes, for a real estate agent not far from a prestigious school (including primary and secondary schools), competition can be fierce.

As a result, families often have to pay real estate developers a considerable price premium to buy a house near a good school. According to government policy, people who own real estate within a certain distance of the school can allow their children to study at school. This is not allowed for families with real estate or families without real estate.

Considering the scarcity of valuable high-quality educational resources (such as high-quality schools in China) and the large number of children who must receive compulsory education, geographic location may be the most important factor affecting the purchasing decisions of families with children. This explains that real estate prices near good schools are usually much higher than those far away (the so-called “school district” does not include these properties) (Ye and Wu, 2014). The environment is an important factor influencing home purchase decisions.

In China, the real estate market has been developing rapidly for more than 20 years, and the enterprises in the real estate industry have developed from the seller’s market at the beginning to the competitive buyer’s market all over the country. More and more real estate enterprises across the country have begun to contact customers in-depth and carry out close exchanges and communication with enterprise product consumers.

It can include a variety of factors, including the condition of the entire surrounding area, the socioeconomic status of the surrounding area, the quality of the surrounding family, green space, noise, safety, community education, and even religious elements (Zheng et al., 2012). The real estate cycle theory is about a series of recurring events that can reflect the supply and demand of real estate in the market from an economic demographic and emotional perspective as well as factors (million acres, 2019).

Using the methods of questionnaire and field survey, this paper investigates the consumption behavior of customers who buy different real estate enterprises and then analyzes the data through SPSS software to verify the research hypothesis and model of customer participation, customer perceived value, and customer purchase intention.

The results of empirical research show that customer participation has a positive impact on customer perceived value, among which pre-preparation, information exchange, interpersonal interaction, and cooperation have a positive impact on customer perceived value, and customer perceived value plays an intermediary role between customer participation and customer purchase intention.

Finally, based on the results of empirical research and the summary of previous relevant research results, this paper puts forward corresponding marketing suggestions for the actual situation of China’s real estate industry, so that the real estate enterprises in China can be used for reference in marketing. The fifth chapter is data analysis and hypothesis test. SPSS and Amos were used to analyze the large sample data of the formal survey. The reliability and validity of the scale of customer participation, community perceived value, and house perceived value were verified. Finally, the theoretical model and hypothesis were verified. The sixth chapter is the result analysis and marketing enlightenment. This paper discusses the data analysis and puts forward the real estate marketing suggestions based on the participation of buyers.

This theory divides the sequence of events that the real estate market may reproduce into four quadrants, including expansion, oversupply, recession, and recovery. For example, during the expansion period, as the market showed positive signs of recovery and growth, demand for housing services and products increased significantly. This is usually related to increased confidence in the economy, positive GDP growth, and increased investment in real estate (Chinloy, 1996).

However, one of the main problems with using this model to explain consumer purchase behavior in the real estate market is that it does not provide any valid reasons and explanations as to what the individual consumer behavior will be at a particular stage. In addition, it is sometimes difficult for individual customers to judge and determine which stage the current market is based on cycle theory (Lee, 2011).

From the perspective of enterprises in all walks of life, if the customers of the enterprise can recognize the products or services provided by the enterprise and are willing to carry out some spontaneous behaviors beneficial to the development of the enterprise, such as recommending the products or services provided by the enterprise to the potential customers of the enterprise, solving problems with the enterprise, etc., these customers will be the objects that the enterprise is very willing to communicate in-depth for a long time.

At this point and the current situation of the development of real estate enterprises in China, this paper studies the customers’ participation in the purchase intention of customers in real estate enterprises in China and provides some suggestions for the real estate enterprises in China in marketing. Domestic and foreign scholars have been studying the relationship between customer participation and customer purchase intention, but there is no unified conclusion on whether there is a direct relationship between the two.

In this paper, firstly, the relevant literature and research results of customer participation, customer perceived value, and customer purchase intention at home and abroad are sorted out and summarized, and on the basis of these research results, a research model is established to study the relationship between the three, based on which relevant research hypotheses are put forward.

This theory has also been questioned and questioned by researchers who claim that these four different stages may not necessarily recur in a defined sequence (Pyhrr and Born, 2005). A preliminary real estate research on customer buying behavior from the perspective of neoclassical economics, the purpose is to describe the behavior of consumers in the real estate market, their purchasing decisions as rational customers (ie people, to maximize the basis of their wealth and utility) Income and price restrictions) (Gibble, 2003).

However, subsequent research aimed to increase the psychological and sociological concepts of consumer behavior from a marketing perspective to observe how consumers measure the benefits of buying real estate (Gibler et al., 1998; Bostic et al., 2009).

These studies provide new insights and help to better explain consumer decision-making in the real estate market, as people are not considered to be perfectly rational decision-makers, but those who are subject to psychological models and sociology based on their environment Factors influencing people (Mullen and Johnson, 2013). Incorporating these factors into the study of real estate consumers’ purchase intention will help promote the development of the theory of buyer behavior model (as shown in the figure below) (Chia et al., 2016). The buyer behavior model divides the hypothesis structure or intervention variables into two categories, namely, learning structure and perception structure. The seventh chapter is the summary and Prospect of the whole paper.

The conclusion of this study is summarized, and the limitations of this study and the direction of future research are pointed out. This study deepens the understanding of the purchase intention of the purchase customer participation and obtains the following results and conclusions:

(1) identify and test the dimensions of Chinese housing purchase customer participation, which are pre-preparation, information exchange, cooperative behavior, and interpersonal interaction. These four dimensions reflect the level of customer participation.

The perceptual structure is defined as consumers’ perceptual bias, information sensitivity, and information search (Orji, 2013; Moutinho et al., 2011). The function of perceptual construction is to control, process, and filter all kinds of information stimuli received by customers. In contrast, learning structure may include motivation, induced set, susceptibility, inhibition factors, satisfaction, and decision-makers.

The learning process can have a significant impact on the level of Consumer Assessment and measurement of the information sought and future purchase decisions (kardes et al. 2018). Further research shows that the customer’s understanding of the brand will also significantly affect the market’s attitude towards some brands, and then affect the customer’s decision-making. Customers are more likely to participate in expanded problem solutions to seek more information to reduce knowledge gaps and brand ambiguity (moosmayer, 2012).

In this case, the time required for the customer to make the final purchase decision will be greatly increased. In contrast, if customers are generally more familiar with the brands and products they purchase, they may be involved in limited problem solving and routine problem solving, because the time required to make the final decision about the purchase will be greatly reduced. External factors are also important factors that affect the decision-making of external variables.

These factors can be divided into step-by-step steps to finally understand the purchase decision, attention, intention, purchase behavior, and attitude. For example, the buyer’s attitude assessment on the potential of a brand to meet the purchase motivation (Gibb, 2012). Chia et al. (2016) using buyer behavior model theory to test the factors of purchase intention and buyer behavior model, namely perception and output. For perceptual construction, a wide range of variables are used, including environment, distance, living space, and housing characteristics.

The house purchase intention is used as the output structure. I construct and test the scale of the perceived value of residential customers in China, including the perceived value of the residential area and the perceived value of housing.

(3) it is not only confirmed that the purchase customer participation has a direct positive impact on their purchase intention but also found that the purchase customer participation has a positive impact on the purchase intention through the intermediary variables – the perceived value of the community and perceived value of the house.

(4) in the family variables, the family decision-making status of the purchase participants has an impact on the customer participation dimension’s beforehand preparation and information exchange behavior, but has no impact on the cooperation behavior and interpersonal interaction; the family population and the purchase times have no impact on the customer participation dimensions; the average annual income of the family only has an impact on the interpersonal interaction in the customer participation dimension, and on the other three customer participation dimensions None of the dimensions had an impact.

(5) it is verified that the psychological variable “purchase motivation” plays a moderating role in the two dimensions of house buyer’s pre-preparation and interpersonal interaction, but not in the influence of information exchange and cooperation behavior on the purchase intention; the first choice of house purchase type plays a moderating role in the influence of house buyer’s pre-preparation and cooperation behavior on the purchase intention, and plays a moderating role in the information exchange Interpersonal interaction has no moderating effect on purchase intention.

Based on the above research results and conclusions, the innovation of this paper is as follows: first of all, from the perspective of research, starting from the front-end of the purchase intention of the buyer, this paper discusses the mechanism of the influence of customer participation on the purchase intention of the customer. At the same time, the introduction of family variables to the study of customer participation, the introduction of psychological variables purchase motivation, and demand variables preferred purchase type to the overall model of this study, these studies make up for the lack of systematic deficiencies in the existing relevant research.

Secondly, we construct and test the scale of residential customer participation and customer perceived value, and propose a large number of data to verify the reliability and validity of the scale. In particular, the scale of the perceived value of home buyers has opened up the field of empirical research on the perceived value of home buyers and improved the measurement system of the perceived value of housing.

4. Conclusion and recommendations

In conclusion, a combination of questionnaire surveys and field surveys was used to investigate the consumer behavior of different real estate companies, and the data were analyzed by SPSS software to verify the research assumptions and models of customer participation, customer perceived value, and customer purchase intention.

The empirical research results show that customer participation has a positive impact on customer perceived value. Among them, preliminary preparation, information exchange, interpersonal interaction, and cooperation have a positive impact on customer perceived value. Customer perceived value acts as an intermediary between customer participation and customer purchase. Will. Finally, based on the results of empirical research, and on the basis of summing up the previous research results, the author puts forward corresponding marketing suggestions for the actual situation of China’s real estate industry, with a view to learning from the marketing work of our real estate enterprises. Chapter 5 is data analysis and hypothesis testing. SPSS and Amos software was used to analyze the large sample data of the formal survey.

The reliability and validity of the customer participation scale, community perception scale, and family perception scale were verified. Finally, the theoretical models and assumptions were verified. The sixth chapter is the result analysis and marketing inspiration. Based on the analysis of the data, this article puts forward real estate marketing suggestions based on the participation of buyers. The empirical results show that customer participation has a positive impact on customer perceived value, among which pre-preparation, information exchange, interpersonal interaction, and cooperation have a positive impact on customer perceived value, and customer perceived value plays an intermediary role between customer participation and customer purchase intention.

Finally, on the basis of empirical research results, on the basis of summarizing previous research results, this paper puts forward corresponding marketing suggestions for the actual situation of China’s real estate industry, in order to provide a reference for the marketing of China’s real estate enterprises. The distance between the workplace and the retail store is also important. Especially among Chinese consumers, especially those with children, buyers are most likely to be interested in the distance between the house and the nearby school (Wen et al., 2014; Du et al., 2014).

In particular, families with school-age children are more likely to consider a better distance school as an important factor in their decision to buy a house. Chinese parents have a tradition and reputation. They attach great importance to the quality of their children’s school. Sometimes, for a real estate agent not far from a famous school (including primary and secondary schools), competition can be fierce.

From the perspective of enterprises in all walks of life, if the customers of enterprises can identify the products or services provided by enterprises and are willing to perform some spontaneous behaviors that are conducive to the development of enterprises, such as recommending the potential customers of the products or services provided by enterprises, solving the problems of enterprises, etc. Scholars at home and abroad have studied the relationship between customer participation and customer purchase intention, but there is no unified conclusion about whether there is a direct relationship between them. In this paper, first of all, the relevant literature and research results of customer participation, customer perceived value, and customer purchase intention are collated and summarized at home and abroad.

On the basis of these research results, a research model is established to study the relationship between the three, and on this basis, relevant research hypotheses are put forward. Scholars at home and abroad have studied the relationship between customer participation and customer purchase intention, but there is no unified conclusion about whether there is a direct relationship between them. In this paper, first of all, the relevant literature and research results of customer participation, customer perceived value, and customer purchase intention are collated and summarized at home and abroad. On the basis of these research results, a research model is established to study the relationship between the three, and on this basis, relevant research hypotheses are put forward.

This paper uses the methods of questionnaire and field survey to investigate the consumption behavior of customers who buy different real estate enterprises, and then analyzes the data through SPSS software to verify the research hypothesis and model of customer participation, customer perceived value, and customer purchase intention. The function of perception construction is to control, process, and filter various information stimuli received by customers.

Instead, the learning structure may include motivation, induced sets, susceptibility, inhibitors, satisfaction, and decision-makers. The learning process can have a significant impact on the level of consumer evaluation and measurement of the information sought and future purchase decisions (kardes et al., 2018). Further research shows that the customer’s understanding of the brand will also significantly affect the market’s attitude towards some brands, which in turn will affect customer decisions.

Customers are more likely to engage in extended problem solutions to seek more information, reduce knowledge gaps and brand ambiguity (moosmayer, 2012). As a result, families often have to pay a considerable price premium to real estate developers to buy a house near a good school. According to government policy, people who own real estate within a certain distance of school may allow their children to study at school. This is not allowed for households with or without real estate. Based on the analysis of the data, this article puts forward real estate marketing suggestions based on the participation of buyers.


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