The theme of the first article is fetal alcohol syndrome, it is a health problem of children who were exposed to alcohol prenatally. The main reason of this disease is women drink alcohol during pregnancy. Researches shows that fetal alcohol is completely preventable as if women can stop drinking alcohol when they are pregnant or prepare for pregnant. The other article about fetal alcohol syndrome showed us a fact that more American children may suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome or neurological damage due to their mother drinking during pregnant than people presuppose.
Its aim is finding out the available method to previously diagnosis alcohol related disease and find something can help them like let their teacher know and get a better understanding of their reaction. Fetal alcohol syndrome is as common as autism among American children. After introduced the damage and symptom of fetal alcohol syndrome, authors introduced the relationship between alcohol intake during pregnant and fetal alcohol syndrome. They find out it is hard to get accurate estimate of fetal alcohol syndrome and showed us the importance of identifying children with such impairments. It would be better to let people know the damage of alcohol during pregnant and find out if children with such problem and take corresponding measures. The introduction of this disease about its features, causes and condition is necessary for readers to know what is the theme of the article.
After reading these two articles, I wondered that what is the main cause of fetal alcohol syndrome and its condition. The first article gives a specific definition of fetal alcohol syndrome and the main feature of it that give readers a clear vision about its theme. Also, there is a picture of child with fetal alcohol syndrome which make the image of this disease clearer. And then it uses the probability of occurrence of this disease like 0.5 to 1.5 out of every 1000 births as strong evidence. And then giving direct reason of fetal alcohol syndrome without much examples.
This second article using the researches’ results as evidence show us the condition that there are how many children were influenced by this disease. There are 1.1 to 5 percent of children suffered form fetal alcohol spectrum disorders through evaluated about 3000 children in schools. It gives the specific data about the results of researches, and then introduce the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Then, through another specific data comparison, authors give the conclusion that fetal alcohol syndrome is hard to previously diagnosed and it belongs to hidden problem which need to be pay more attention to.
The common point of these two articles in the presented article is they all love to use data as strong evidence. Through specific data to explain this disease about its universality and show its importance. The first article is more direct than second article, it tends to tell the fact and condition or even the causes clear and simple. And the second article used many example and paraphrased words, using different oral words from researches make professional knowledge easier to understand and also give readers space to consider about the examples and facts mentioned in the article. Both of articles mentioned the cause of fetal alcohol syndrome is mainly related to their mother’s drinking habit during pregnant, it is corresponding well with my hypothesis that mothers of children with this disease drinking alcohol during pregnant. It is a good way to using data properly to support one’s idea and it is useful to apply in article. And it is essential to broadcast the damage of alcohol would bring to baby, call for people to pay more attention to prevent this disease and find some available to diagnosed it as earlier as possible, and then give necessary to these children.
Fetal Alcohol syndrome, life application.
Pam Belluck, (2018)Far more U.S. children than preciously thought may have fetal alcohol disorders. The New York. pp:16.
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