Pterushevsky Mongols
This article was mainly talking about Iran during the Mongol invasion period, the social-economic history. The first period was about the beginning of Mongol dominion, with a significant reduction in Iran’s population and agricultural cultivation, peasants changed their life from urban to the city and changed their work from agriculture to cattle-breeding. All the changes had moved Iran’s declined economy to a better condition and gave nature a period of time to restore its natural resources.
The next period of the Mongol’s dominion time was affected by the reformation of Ghazan. During the Ghazan period, conditional private ownership of land was largely expanded at the expense of state and small-scale peasant landowning. Following with reformation was the feudal dismemberment which was a marked period of time that Iran was struggling for the power of feudal groups.
The Mongol dominion was started with good influence when people could get a better life and their natural resources were able to restore. However, since Iranian feudalism survived throughout the time as well and it had somehow caused the irrigation and impact on Iranian’s life. This article well explained the details of how Iran’s economy change during the Mongol dominion time and how did Iranian survive through this crucial time.
Fragner Agriculture
This article was explaining the rural life of Iran peasants between the fourteenth and eighteenth century but more indicated in the details of how the rural economy was formed. It started with how the rural community was a form of a village, and how the peasants enjoyed the rights of equally owning lands within their village.
However, with more and more outsiders coming and settled in the village, it means that the landowning and resources were splitting with more people and sometimes it’s unequally shared. Therefore, rules and a tax system were established in order to be well organized for the peasants and outsiders on trading for goods.
At the end of the article, the author addressed again the importance of maintaining the trade between peasants and outsiders. Between the fourteenth and eighteenth-century time period, it was the time period that the Iranian established their own system of state tax and internal trade.
Iranian Studies
This article was more about the process of how the tax system was established and how peasants or Iranians reacted to it. There were some challenges that happened during the process such as the peasant pastoralists aligned with the Betekchi dignitaries and so forth. All the evidence that the author provided in this article proved that the slave workers and peasants between the fourteenth and eighteenth century were refused to pay the taxes to the state or submit the labor conditions and disciplinary measures to the government. However, even though some people might argue that religion had to be part of the reason that the slave workers and peasants were refusing to pay the taxes, there was no evidence to prove this theory.
In conclusion, after reading these three articles we can easily understand what Iranians had been through between the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries. We could understand from the historical fact that a country was formed of multiple communities, and a community was formed with a group of people. Everything all started with simple then become more complicated because it involves people.
In these three articles, we can see the formation of Iranian’s economic system was based on a very simple idea of rebuilding the rural area community and restoring the natural resources of that area. However, since more and more outsiders came to settle in that area, it then became a community that would require certain rules or disciplines to regulate people who were sharing the resources or lands.
Conflicts and obstacles would have occurred during the formation process because people come from different background have different voices and perspectives of making things right. However, to those Iranians, Mongol was considered as an outsider who didn’t understand the cultural background, living habits of Iranians. Although that was how all the conquerors’ perspective, what they were doing was based on their own favor, they would not think of how the domestic feels.
Furthermore, from these three articles, we are not only can see how Iranian formed their economic system during the chaotic history background but also remind us to look back to our history when and how our economy was formed and established. The reason that behind all the chaotic events was based on the idea of making people’s life better, even though the process was not ideological, people who had made it through had learned from those events and rebuilt the system to adapt to the condition.
Last but not least, revolution and reformation is never an easy thing to start and finish, even though we are living under a better condition it does not mean people are satisfied with it. What we can expect is when our leader or government is seeking a better future, they can be based on what is actually good for the people.
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