Should the college charge students for tuition? When facing with this question, quite a few would deem that it is without doubt the college should charge for tuition; but others, in contrast, believe the college should not charge for tuition and that is also my perspective. My arguments for this point come as following three conspicuous aspects. The main reason for my point for no tuition in college is that higher education is crucial to personnel development. Governments offering free college education bring in immense advantages. For individuals, they could be able to improve themselves once they are offered with the chance to get higher education.
Because it is quite common that students graduated from colleges tend to have more chances to get a better job offer when enter into the society. The second reason is obvious that providing free college education to those who can not afford college tuition is benefit to building an equal and harmonious society. That is, each individual, no matter rich or poor, have the equal opportunity to the access to higher education. In addition, when we consider the results from increasing higher-educated students, the society would witness more intellectuals in the talent pool.
Nowadays, the society is in great need for talented person, and higher-educated talents. No tuition in education means more students enrollment. Once they graduated, high academic qualifications can really promote society development. It is known that in German, the education is free from the primary level to higher education. It is believed that the public is the taxpayer, since the public has already paid their taxes; they have no reason at all to pay for their children’s education tuition.
The government’s income is taken from the public; they should make it into full use to the public. That shows the best way for a happy living for the public. Although there might be some advantages for paying college tuition, the disadvantages are more obvious, such as it is unequal to those who are poor or from underdeveloped area and can not afford college tuition. They lost the opportunity to improve themselves or to get a better job offer.
This makes it harder for their offspring to have an equal starting line in their lives. In a word, the college should not charge for tuition because higher education is crucial to personnel development such as getting a better job offer and no tuition in college offers each individual equal chance to have an access to higher education. Moreover, more higher-educated students will bring in more talents to the society. Taking into account of all the factors mentioned above, the conclusion is reached that the college should not charge for tuition.
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