Dear Student
NAME OF RESEARCHERS are currently carrying out a research project to explore the main factors of intercultural communicative competence which could influence college English Teaching. I am writing to ask if you are able to take part in the study.
What would this mean for me?
In the study, the data collected will be as follows: your views on the application of intercultural
communicative approach in college English teaching and the main factors of intercultural
communicative competence which could influence college English Teaching. The interview is
not long and it may only last for 20 minutes. The main place of the study will be limited to the
campus. Also, the participants have been selected in the random manner from the students.
The data that you provide (e.g. video recordings of the interview, test results, notes from observations, photos) will be stored by code number. Any information that identifies you/your child will be stored separately from the data.
Storing and using your data
Data will be stored in a password protected computer, which is secure. The data will be kept for one month after which time it will be destroyed. The data may be used for future analysis and shared for research or training purposes, but participants/children will not be identified individually. If you do not want your/your child’s data to be included in any information shared as a result of this research, please do not sign this consent form.
You are free to withdraw from the study at any time during data collection and up to one week after the data is collected.Information about confidentiality
The data that we collect are in the form of transcripts or test responses. They may be used in anonymous format in different ways. Please indicate on the consent form enclosed/attached with a if you are happy for this anonymised data to be used in the ways listed.
Please note: If we gather information that raises concerns about your safety or the safety of others, or about other concerns as perceived by the researcher, the researcher may pass on this information to another person.
We hope that you will agree to take part/your child taking part. If you have any questions about the project/study that you would like to ask before giving consent or after the data collection, please feel free to contact name by email (ENTER EMAIL) or by telephone on ENTER WORK PHONE NUMBER [avoid giving personal phone numbers], or the Chair of Ethics Committee via email [email protected]
The participants will be given an opportunity to comment on written record of the event.
If you are happy for you to participate, please complete the form enclosed/attached and hand it in to the above email before May.Please keep this information sheet for your own records.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information.
Yours sincerely
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