The relationship between body and the sense of gender and race has been a very direct and feminist perspective which is built on the gender and racial differences. There are also many diversified representations for philosophical connotations towards the concepts of motion and space from the perspectives of race and gender.
As for the embodiment in the susceptibility to gender, the corresponding feminism views on space has a better and clearer understanding to interpret female’s position in different kinds of pace and how they can contribute to social development and future development of the entire human being through the unique role play of being females. The relationship between a person and his or her own body is often embodied in different kinds of motion. Therefore, motion is a kind of continuous and serial existence. Therefore, this kind of character of motion can also connect motion and body and their relationship with the concepts of space and time (Allen & Young, 2005). The basic moving motion form is a kind of spatial movement.
Furthermore, motion also has the perspective of being the potential realization and the concept of space as a kind of container which makes motion become all kinds of possibilities. Under these circumstances, the concepts of feminism space can also be perceived as the relationship between body and gender as well as the link between gender and space. First, it is necessary to confirm the appropriate existence of female space, believing that the confirmation of female space has made a renewed interpretation of the position of female in the societies. With the confirmation of the female’s position, the relationship between male and female has also been gradually shaped and analyzed. First, females have been viewed as the experiential space and males can also be viewed as time concepts. Thus, it is necessary to link the concepts of time, habitats and containers with ideas towards body, space and gender relationships. In the history, females not only served as the activists to create new space through the sexual behaviors or breeding behaviors. In the already formulated space, more self-creation to gain the self-significance are essential to construct the main ideas for female space and females’ position (Travis, 2015). Consequently, female can be viewed as a kind of spatial concept which serves as the relationship between body, motion and space. In the historical philosophical perspectives, females do not account space. On one thing, female is more linked to liquidity; for another thing, females are more related to breeding and giving birth to babies.
In this sense, the space is first recognized as the container and then viewed as a kind of extension, which means the relationship between body and space should be growing in different categories or forms. This kind of growth not only lies in limitations of space. Both genders will encounter the problems when speaking of the gender relationship and body relationships. Females also need to put themselves in a greater space to grasp internal features and characters. Moreover, the female space can also be referred as the limitations of space for females so as to enable them to find a place to settle themselves and accept themselves. In the reproduction behaviors and sexual behaviors, females account space, which proves the major existence of female. Hence, both genders should recognize and value the existence of each other. In fact, the previous concepts of categorizing male as a kind of form or categorizing female as a kind of texture, which acclaiming the major position of their own gender. In this way, the gender differences can also achieve a kind of possibility of reaching harmony and interrelated links. On this basis, the corresponding relationship between space and motion also helps to build a kind of gender differences, with the purpose of enabling both genders having a kind of harmonious and equal relationship in the justified environment. Often the space and equal position of females has been devalued or underestimated, which further leads to the problems of gender inequality and gender discrimination (Ngo, 2016). In this way, the females’ position have been greatly undervalued and the females stayed at the position of being enslaved. Apparently, this kind of relationship between two genders cannot achieve the status of equality and harmony. Thus, female needs to recreate a new space for themselves with the help of the other gender. It further highlights the importance of equality between two genders, which is beneficial to the formulation of harmony between genders. Given the relationship between body, motion and gender, these links can be used to form different ideologies exerting influences on spatial design and allocation on people’s training and psychological formulation. This can also be displayed as the regulation and governance in the aspects of politics and economic development. Therefore, the feminism will also be printed with the mark of social interests among different classes and different power relations; therefore, the links between body and social aspect of gender relationship is also interrelated and mutually influence of class fight, racial and social interests allocation. These different kinds of space can also be viewed as a more concrete understanding for the ideas of resources and space allocation. The relationship and spatial concepts are also closely related to people’s lifestyles, personnel relationship, individual social identity and the corresponding rights and obligations.
The natural features of human being can become the determinants for connecting different aspects of human being. These aspects may include the body features of a certain race, their unique survival conditions, historical development and social progress, social and cultural regulation and principles as well as other external factors. These factors are logically linked with each other. This kind of logic relevance has better analysis of imagination and relevance for body, which contains the natural and nurtured features of body relationship including the cultural and political power conflicts (Fanon, et al, 2008). Thus, the natural features and elements as the presentation of these features can guide the corresponding analysis of class regulation for different layers in the society. In the corresponding relevance in the society, the concepts of recognition, power, training, cultural and knowledge formulation will further become the features of a certain race for social and human-made products so as to improve the insightful observation towards certain problems.
As for the concept of race, it is one of the most ancient and also the most thorny topic in human’s history. In addition to its historical roots, the concept is also mingled with other concepts such as colonization, manipulation, narration, imagination, and cognition model. All these problems intersected with each other. That is to say the concept of race can also be viewed as the relationship between history and space. In different historical periods and also in different regions, the significance can also vary differently according to various definitions of time and space. The importance and significance of race are also presented in different facets. Although the already existed racism or racial segregation should be questioned on some level, different races and communities also have continuous controversies and conflicts for these problems and more complex social conflicts (Theweleit, 1989). At present, in many today’s countries and regions, different racial beliefs and cultural conflicts on different levels may lead to the conflicts and problems. In face of different limited resources, different races or classes have new representation forms based on the continuous survival conditions and new social circumstances. Therefore, race also represents a kind of viewpoint.
Due to the outstanding problems race, the relevant studies such as literature, culture and gender research included in the social science, different perspectives are focused and revealed. From the perspective of cultural theories, the angle of class is also an important one, which highlights the historical function of social class. The angle of social class and race can also be used to interpret the theories of culture, awareness, media, entertainment, sports, trends, fashion, music and class confrontation (Leslie & Thielenwilson, 1992). At present, the social class problems are inseparable with the racial problems. Thus, under the functioning and governing of new media and also in the atmosphere of visual culture, advertisement and consumerism culture, body and the racialized body have already developed into completely different expression forms, transmission methods and acceptance types. Hence, the gendered body and the racialized body are also viewed as the external factors to reflect the concealing power framework, which correspondingly cater to the culture and politics studies. Consequently, the studies concerning race also exert great influences on cultural studies. The body is also regarded as the starting point of social gender or racial issues. In this way, the term of body politics is also one of the most important branches in these studies for body politics means the process of implementation of social power through practice and policy making methods to regulate and train people; in the meantime, the body politics is also related to the confrontation between individuals and the relationship of social control of human body.
Apparently, this problem is also related to social progress, social economic activities and cultural capital. Given that the consumption of products include commercial products and cultural products, the guidance of ideas is also guided into the social consumption in the raced body and gendered body (Casebier, 2000). These ideas are involved the aspects of modern music, dance, sports and marketing activities. These continuous features are guided and accepted in the modern commercial and cultural atmosphere. Thus, the corresponding social phenomenon includes the corresponding cultural ideas. The body features are classified through the social system and the classification is also distributed among different social classes. In another word, all the cultural phenomena and the internal framework are concealed into the already existed conflicts and new social power system as well as cultural power system. The relevant concepts between race and body also help to formulate a whole set of ideologies including the beliefs and systematic theories, which are finally developed into the racism. On this basis, the racism are formed by three basic ideas: first human is classified into different body types; these different raced and gendered bodies also have the nature and connections between their culture, personality and intelligence level. With the foundation of heritages, some racial groups have the natural and collective advantages. From the view of different regions, the racial problems are often focused in the European and American areas, which is closely related to the history of external expansion (Tuana, 2010). To a large extent, the relevant racism theories are also developed with the histories of colonization, slavery and migration trend, etc. Therefore, under the continuous status of physical conditions and genes, the racial body features as the external disparities also developed into different racial features according to certain racial limitations.
To sum up, different regions become the determinants of body features to decide the individuals’ structures. The individuals and the major group are shared to formulate the agreed features of culture. In the same society, different racial cultural disparities are also guided or introduced into the relationship between various races. When the problems of race or gender are analyzed, the obvious external features also play important roles in social culture and these external features include body and language. On this basis, the corresponding racial symbols or markers have also been gradually introduced and used in the art coding system and the element of race also becomes an indispensable one in art creation, appreciation and commenting phases. Three factors including race, milieu and moment are also major motives or deciding factors which are revealed into different cultural or artistic products. Thus, the so-called concept of race means the temperament or personality which are inherited from generation to generation; similarly, the so-called milieu also means the environment or suffering certain races have confronted; finally, the moment also refers to the certain trends of tendencies of cultural traditions both in the past and at present (Yap, 2016). To put it in another standpoint, different races in different environments or moments are also symbolized and marked according to different cognition models and aesthetic standards with the features of time, race and environment. With the intersections of different races, there may be different effects and results when they view the same concept with the aesthetic standards and value in the view of self and the other. The relevant factors including collective survival forms, materials, crafts, sense of life and philosophical awareness and cognition models are also related to the raced and gendered body. It can be seen that body plays the most important and also the most direct role in racial formation and gender differences. The natural features of body are inherited according to different ideologies concerning race and gender.
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