This is the first time I approached to a business unit subject, which is Introduction to Business. I come from a family with few business backgrounds and I am taught about business such as Economic and Accountings in upper-secondary in Chinese language. Thus, learning Introduction to Business is a fresh and new subject to me and I started out the semester with excitement on what I would learn from the course. Throughout the course, I learnt that the course is not as easy as it seems, thus now I wonder how the knowledge would learn from the course would impact my future path.

I always perceive business units as a relatively easy subject compared to other courses, such as Accounting or Engineering courses. This might because of my parents are both from non-business backgrounds, and they always taught me that smart people would go study Law, Medicine or Engineering. With this mindset I insisted on entering to the business field as I would like to know more on how business works and how is the business environment working around our daily lives. In return, I learnt that there is various business concept such as inflation and recession can be observed through our daily lives. All business phenomena can be analyzed and learnt from business course and understand the how and why of every business structure. I learnt that how is the bank interest is set, why does it fluctuate and how would the change of interest rate affect people’s life. I understand that these theories are not only be known by professionals but for us as small family should also know on the business mechanism.

On the other hand, business units are always having lower entry benchmarks compared to other courses. Especially for Marketing and Management courses. This made me to have an impression that the course is easy and not hard to score as the requirement of entering the subject is not high. After studying this business course, I felt that the lowering of benchmark on entering business course does not mean that student would not need to be smart to study the course, or means that the course would be easy to score. Business course and units have lower benchmark is only that the course does not require high technical knowledge background from the students to start on learning the course, as the course is taught from very basic concepts and focuses on application to real life companies and business phenomena.

In the common university environment, no matter the image that seniors shows on social media or in reality when we hang out with seniors and other faculty students, I always felt that business students are always more flexible on their study time and spend relative less time on memorizing textbooks in the library. The availability of more free time for co-curriculum activities such as joining events and working small projects with no relation to studies are common seen in university life of business student. But after studying on the subject, I realize that business students uses their skills and knowledge form the business environment classroom, and apply it into the reality, such as joining case study competition from companies or participating in MNC companies freelance marketing work placements. These are the opportunities given because of studying business.

With the knowledge that I learnt throughout this course, I believe I have finally be able to grown as a young adult that can critically think on business decisions. In the future, these knowledges would definitely help on my business career especially if I would decide to set up my own business.