Africa not as some western scholars described as only “Lion”, but in ancient times, is highly civilized. In the long history of evolution, there are many other ethnic nationalities in the south of the Sahara, such as Arabs, Europeans, the people of Indonesia, and mixed with black people.
Studies on any kind of civilization in the world, are not like black civilization Africa that met the ideological obstacles so big, experienced so long debate. The first is to be admitted. The long-dominant in European academic point of view is not Africa black history, no philosophy, no civilization, only darkness, and stagnation.
The German philosopher Hagel in the “philosophy of history” in one book, Africa is divided into three parts, one is the “Africa native”, which is sub-Saharan Africa, known as black Africa; two is the “European Africa;” three “the Asian Africa”, refers to the Nile basin, especially in Egypt. He said, “is not an Africa local history, which showed no change, did not show the development”, Africa blacks didn’t have the “ability” to philosophy, because of the “Negro spiritual awareness is very weak, or rather does not exist”.
He even asserted: “Africa black can not progress, not education, as we have seen, they always that way”, “in the wild, uncivilized state”. The famous British historian, Fitch views in the comments of Hagel pointed out: “he represents the view has become part of a nineteenth Century orthodox history, and even today many followers.” David Hume is a black, he said: “no, not making exquisite art, not science”. Basil Davison said: “in the light of this statement, Africans have never developed their own civilization”.
Africa civilization there is a question of fact, not a speculative question, as long as no racial prejudice, will admit that the world is the existence of a unique Africa black civilization. They not only have their own language(Evan, Swahili, a mellow Chinese language, literature, such as tile’s), history, religion, and other works remain, but there is a lot of exquisite art, music, dance, architecture, and medicine, science and technology remain.
African Ethnic philosophy emphasized cultural roots of Africa people, rooted in traditional Africa, so it will not continue to accept the colonial ideology, it requires Africa philosophy, the status of Africa culture in the world; philosophical wisdom to a certain extent, closer to the European philosophy, philosophy is close to the western world, but it is not the continuation of colonialism the thoughts of philosophy, it has been tightly with ethnic philosophy together with philosophy, the ethnic origin is critical to accept western logical thinking philosophy, but pay more attention to carry forward the national spirit. Therefore, they do not continue the colonial project, not for the colonial service.
The major difference between European philosophy and African philosophy is logic.The main idea of the people of Europe, the use of non-causal relationship and reasoning model is not contained in the academic writing to follow the laws of Aristotle logic, also did not like Europe and the United States that are rich in the logic of the philosopher. On the contrary, they are rich in mystery, they are all kinds of ceremonial rites advocated collective statement, is a powerful, spiritual experience.
These ideas were more feelings rather than to be understood, mysterious and irrational, contributed to the coordination of body and soul. The utility of each ceremony is not only natural, or mysterious, mysterious and natural link between the entities subject to the African people’s collective concept, completely different from the rules of logic in Europe. Compared with the law of contradiction and the law of excluded middle, the African people’s concept of collective entity is allowed it is another thing, both here and there, both now and in the future.
Medicine, magic, witchcraft, prophecy, communication with the dead in the mysterious forces is possible. The main difference between European and African philosophy the view of things is ontology, which is the origin of the knowledge of the world.
Things in European culture are considered with natural material and structure between them, and African culture is that the entity is composed of a dynamic force. The strength grade of God, heaven and earth, plant, animal, mineral, and human power. Enlarge or reduce the activity of the human all these forces, it shows good and evil. Theme medicine, magic, magic, and prophecy, some people can control the power to help or hurt their community.
African traditional culture contains a large number of philosophical wisdom in traditional African society is based on the existence of a number of independent thinking ability of the philosopher, and my own understanding of philosophy and the meaning of a word. As for the African leaders in philosophy or philosophy of European philosophy led philosophy, it is not necessary to debate, African philosophy has strong characteristics of the people of Africa, European philosophy has profound logical thinking ability of the machine can not force, according to the leading role of utilitarianism to judge a philosophy, they are part of the world philosophy the mutual connection, mutual constraints, together form the one world philosophy.
Of course, with the globalization of the world, African Philosophy and European philosophy are complementary to progress, continue to contribute to the development of human civilization and prosperity.
The influence of western philosophy on Africa Philosophy. For example, Egypt’s philosophy is a part of Africa philosophy, but in a strict sense is different from other Africa philosophy. First of all, the Egyptian civilization is one of the most ancient civilizations in the world, Egypt has a long history and philosophy, all rivers run into the sea, broad and profound, and it is closely related to the history of Egypt.
The Egyptian pharaohs of ancient Egypt philosophy include the philosophy in the history, which has a certain similarity with the Africa philosophy, is mysterious, but other than Africa philosophy have strong logical thinking and reasoning, because the ancient Egyptian buildings in Pyramid, Sphinx tower and other ancient buildings, can be inferred, ancient Egypt’s philosophy has a strong logic reasoning.
On the other hand. Egypt is greatly influenced by the philosophy of ancient Greek Rome philosophy, on one hand, Egypt and ancient Greece and Rome are relatively close to the Mediterranean countries, geographical culture, in the history of Egypt had been conquered Alexander and their descendants, descendants of Greeks and Romans brought their logical thinking philosophy, established the Alexander Library in Egypt, in culture, the philosophy of thinking to a certain extent, input the philosophical thinking of the western world.
Furthermore, the people of this country as long as it is different from other Africa Arabs, blacks, in religion is as long as the Muslim, essentially different from Africa continental philosophy. Arab history, culture, religion, science, and technology are different from other Africa continental philosophy, of course, has to a certain extent, an advantage over other Africa technology. However, a number of Egyptian philosophy is Africa philosophy, one is the geographical proximity, cultural similarity, gradually the political integration and Africa other countries, Egypt’s philosophy to some extent affect the Africa philosophy, of course, but also to some extent the absorption of other nutrients Africa philosophy, the philosophy and philosophy have been an Africa a mutual connection, mutual constraints, common development. Therefore, Egypt’s philosophy is a part of Africa philosophy, but philosophy in Egypt has its unique influence, can’t lump together separate Egyptian philosophy and Africa philosophy, they are not in opposition to each other.
Similarly, western philosophy also has a great influence on the rest of Africa, and their formation is of positive significance to the development and progress. In the colonial period, sub-Saharan Africa in most areas of Europe’s territory, or colonies, mostly in the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, and other countries, these enslaved many areas including slavery Africa, local people’s thoughts, with the philosophy of sovereign state to them, because they are the colonists look down the African Africans do not have what, think of speculative philosophy, philosophy may not have the system.
Of course, this view is not entirely correct, because we can’t lump together philosophy is philosophy, philosophy is the wisdom of philosophy, but leave the social reality it will be no soil of the root, Africa philosophy especially unique, deep into the depths of the soul, though it seemed so mysterious, and even called the superstition, in fact, after we understand Africa culture, value Africa philosophy can not be ignored. Of course, philosophy is not immutable and frozen, Africa philosophy has made a spurt of progress from today’s scientists in the western world, the thinking, logic, preciseness, which greatly affect the Africa philosophy.
African Philosophy of continuous development in the influence of western philosophy, and stressed that its philosophy, and wisdom of philosophy, plays an important role in the world. Because, on the one hand, African philosophy and philosophical wisdom and vigorously promote local culture and philosophy, let a hundred flowers blossom on regional cultural philosophy, a great positive significance; on the other hand, the rest of the world has a great significance for Africa Africa of philosophy, because each region for the prosperity and development of the area of philosophy, will be in the world active thinking, to promote world prosperity and unity. Due to the unique nature of Africa philosophy, and reference, so it’s being in the world has a positive meaning.
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