The article of the Jackson, Weidman, and Rubin (2015) has actually offered a series of examples that can help show that scientific racism led to the social construction of racism in the United States. The first example given is that scientific racism was so widely accepted that it had brought the appearance of eugenics, which had further resulted in the sterilization of the great majority of black Americans and the murder of 6 million European Jews (Jackson, et al., 2005, p.66). Based on this, it is not hard to find that the scientific racism had actually led to new forms of racism in America, which was right why the destiny of a large number of black Americans and European Jews would be so awful and miserable.
Secondly, scientific racism puts forward that traits could be held stable for generations, which could help explain why racism would be reconstructed in America. It can be understood in this way that the black Americans were inferior to the whites in the past and they would still be inferior to the whites all the same no matter how long time had passed. In the opposite, the north European races were believed to be supreme and there was no doubt that they would still be supreme as well under whatever situation. Also, it was right out of this view that the black Americans would continue to be inferior and the north European races would continue to be supreme that resulted in the reconstruction of racism in the United States and this view could be used to explain the heredity problem at the same time.
And the third example is that the scientific racism enabled the use of cranial measures, which had further led to the establishment of the opinion that “Negroes were at least two grades below Anglo-Saxons in ability and intelligence” (Jackson, et al., 2005, p.66). According to this, it is not hard to find that the scientific racism makes it more scientific and trustworthy for the public to believe that there are great differences in the ability and intelligence between the Negroes and the Anglo-Saxons. As a matter of fact, such differences between the Negroes and the Anglo-Saxons are right the very reason as for why racism in the United States will be reconstructed.
Another example is the rise of Nordicism and the Nordicists have actually put forward much about racial ideology. Jackson, et al. (2005) stated that many Nordicists claimed that civilization was the product of race and they also proposed that race was the basis of social order rather than nation or political alliance (p. 70), which can well indicate that race can influence both civilization and social order. There is no doubt that the awareness toward racial ideology will lead people to pay more attention to the racial differences, resulting in the social construction of racism in the United States at last.
Last but not the least, the example that will be mentioned is the founding of anthroposociology. To put it more specifically, the crucial racial marker is the cephalic index and it has pointed out that the European population can be divided into various different races according to the shape of their heads (Jackson, et al., 2005, p.71). In this sense, it is not hard to find that the differences in head shape can directly lead them to be put in different races, which can also help explain why the social construction of racism in the United States will happen.
And then the article of the Ngai (1999) corroborate how scientific racism fueled the social construction of racism and four examples will be given in order to justify for how scientific racism had played a role in fueling the social construction of racism. Detailed speaking, the first example is the invention of national origins (Ngai, 1999, p. 71) and national origins are actually one category that constituted the quota system apart from “nationality”, “native stock” and some other categories like that. Just take the native stock as an example, it is defined by the board to be people who descended from the American white population in 1790. So a fair knowledge can be obtained that scientific racism enables the quota system to be more scientific and racial at the same time, which is like the use of cranial measures mentioned by Jackson, et al. (2005).
The second example is the eligibility to citizenship and it has actually prevented half of the world’s population from entering the United States (Ngai, 1999, p. 80). As a result, Asians and those in the Far East tend to be have great possibility of being forbidden to enter America, suggesting the social construction of racism in America is strictly implemented and there is the racial requirement for the citizenship.
Thirdly, the legal definition of “white” and the rule of racial unassimilability can be regarded as another example for how scientific racism fueled the social construction of racism. It can be understood in this way that even though the Congress will amend the National Act after the Civil War and the Fourteenth Amendment, such behavior of highlighting amending right indicates the existence of racism and the different treatments that are received by the slaves and the whites. In the end, the example that can help explain how scientific racism fueled the social construction of racism is the change in formal language from race to national origin (Ngai, 1999, p. 88). Concerning this, it can be readily detected that race never stops to operate but it turns to be obfuscated in the end. Or maybe it can be put in another way that race will continue to influence the life of the wide public in approaching days.
Moreover, the article by Wellman (2000) has discussed how the medicalization of racism detracts from people’s understanding of the real meaning of racism, which will be elaborated on by offering four examples from within. Firstly, racism is believed to be a matter of cognition and perception and it can even be understood as misperception (Wellman, 2000, p. 29). Taking the fact that misperception should be avoided into consideration, there is no doubt that racism should be avoided as well. And it can be avoided by changing the thinking of white Americans if racism would like to solved in the reality.
Secondly, racism is actually a past mistake that has to be corrected because it is a holdover from slavery. Wellman (2000 ) raises that racism is built to be an ideological activity (p. 29) so that it can be changed once people’s ideological awareness changes as time goes by or something else happens.
The third example is that racism, in the United States, is an anomaly and it is abnormal. Based on this, it is not hard to find that racism is a deviant state, which is right why racism is seen as a disease which calls for medical treatment in one way or another. And the last example is that racism takes the form of an addiction and it holds that the rationale why the mainstream Americans can enjoy life lies in their personal efforts.
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